Dollhouse-Living Room

 Mid-Week Check-In: How’s Your “Living Room”? ?️
Hey Church Family! ? How’s your week going? On Sunday, we kicked off our Dollhouse series by talking about the “living room” of our hearts—a place where Jesus is knocking, ready to sit with us in fellowship.
Let’s be real for a second. We all have those moments where our lives feel a little messy or we’re too busy to stop and just be with God. But remember, Jesus isn’t waiting for us to get everything perfect—He’s just waiting for an invitation. He wants to be with us right in the middle of the mess!
?️ How have you been making space for Jesus this week?
What are some ways you’ve felt the “knock” on the door of your heart? Are there areas you’re still keeping closed off?
Share in the comments below, or just drop a “❤️” if you’re taking time to reflect on this today. Let’s encourage each other this week to make time for Jesus, no matter what’s going on in our lives.
? Don’t forget: Fellowship with God is not about perfection—it’s about presence. Open the door, and let Him in.
#DollhouseSeries #LivingRoomOfTheHeart #OpenTheDoor  
Mid-Week Devotion: The Knock at Your Door
Scripture: "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me."
—Revelation 3:20
At some point this week, you've probably heard the “knock” on your heart—maybe in a moment of stress, a brief pause in your day, or even in an unexpected conversation. That knock is Jesus inviting you to slow down and invite Him into your living room, into the messy, beautiful reality of your life.
We don’t have to wait for everything to be “just right.” Jesus is already there, knocking, ready to sit with you and offer peace, love, and grace in the everyday moments.
What is the state of the "living room" of your heart right now?
Are you too distracted by busyness like Martha, or are you finding time to sit at Jesus’ feet like Mary?
Challenge: Take 5-10 minutes today to pause, quiet your mind, and invite Jesus into your heart. It could be through prayer, reading scripture, or just sitting in silence and saying, “Lord, I’m opening the door to You.”
Prayer: "Lord, I hear You knocking. Help me to stop and open the door of my heart to You. I know I don’t need to have everything perfect for You to enter. I just need to invite You in. Help me to be still and make room for You this week. Amen."
Remember: Fellowship with Jesus isn’t complicated—it’s about making time for Him, right where you are. Let Him into your “living room” today. 
#MidWeekDevotion #JesusIsKnocking #OpenYourHeart #FellowshipWithGod #DollhouseSeries

1 Comment

Lynn - September 28th, 2024 at 11:21am
